Чистачки Focus Mk3

Започната от bronc, 28 Юни 2018 10:04:15

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В упътването за Focus MK3 пише, че някои коли са оборудвани с т.нар. speed sensitive wipers, които регулират интервала на движението си спрямо скоростта, с която се движи колата. Това е различно от автоматичните чистачки, които работят посредством сензор за дъжд/светлина. Опитвам се да разбера как да го направя това при моята кола, защото нямам сензор, а идвам от кола, която имаше такъв и ми се иска поне да забавят като спра или да се забързат като карам по-бързо. Не намерих настройка във FoCCCus, а ми звучи като нещо софтуерно. Някаква представа как да го активирам или евентуално кой модул трябва да сменя? Обмислях и retrofit на сензора за дъжд и светлина, но е прекалено голяма занимавка. В Etis ми излиза " With Variable Intermittent Windscreen Wiper"

"Automatic wiper system
Some models without autowipers are fitted with a speed-dependent front screen wiper system. When the vehicle is slowed to walking speed or is brought to a standstill, the wiper speed will automatically switch to the next lower wiper speed setting. When the vehicle speed is increased, the wiper speed will return to the manually-chosen setting. Moving the wiper lever when the system is operating will switch off the system. If the vehicle is again slowed to walking speed or is brought to a standstill, the system is reactivated."


На моят focus mk2 кога лостчето е на положението след интервал,когато спирам на светофар чистачките спират тръгнали пак тръгват.


На коя позиция си тествал? Виж това видео и описанието отдолу: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmToqMFD_0g
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Ами на позицията, на която се регулира интервала с "врътката", т.е. intermittent. На останалите скоростта е постоянна, а и доколкото разбирам колата регулира интервалите между чистенията автоматично, а не скоростта, т.е. няма да започне да чисти постоянно, ако карам много бързо, но ще скъси интервалите. Намерих това в един форум, но е за F150 и то от 2007

ЦитатThe INTERVAL wiper speed is activated with grounds controlled by the multi-function switch inputs to the windshield wiper motor module. The windshield wiper motor module then activates the windshield wiper run/park relay coil and switches voltage through the windshield wiper high/low relay. The high/low relay remains deactivated supplying the voltage to the wiper motor low speed input and activates the windshield wiper motor. When the windshield wiper motor module receives the grounded input, the motor continues to operate until the Hall-effect sensor senses magnetism, which turns off the run/park sense output to the windshield wiper run/park software, deactivating the relay and disconnecting voltage to the wiper motor. The windshield wipers remain parked until the windshield wiper motor module completes a time-out and then repeats the intermittent windshield wiper cycle.

The windshield wiper motor module responds to the windshield wiper control commands by interpreting inputs from the PCM system. The speed dependent wipers will compensate for the extra moisture that accumulates on the windshield at higher speeds, except when the multi-function switch is in the INT 1 position. At higher speeds, the speed dependent feature shortens the delay between wipes when using the variable interval wipers. Delays will automatically adjust at speeds between 16 and 105 km/h (10 and 65 mph).

The windshield washer is activated by the internal wiper motor modules when they receive a ground from the multi-function switch between the washer inputs. Depending on the correct ground, the internal wiper motor module activates the windshield washer relays (internal) by grounding the relay coil. When the relay is activated, it connects voltage to the washer pump, which is grounded through the harness.

The windshield wiper motor defaults to its SOFTWARE SAFE mode when the run/park sensor does not sense the Hall-effect sensor magnet inside the wiper motor. This can be caused by obstruction of windshield wipers or binding linkage. The windshield wiper motor will continue to operate in a HI/LO speed condition for a period of 60 seconds.