Ретрофит на плафон с амбиентно осветление (submarine lighting)

Започната от Bobi, 13 Септември 2013 00:12:13

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Спечелих един търг за плафон с амбиентно осветление :

Би трябвало монтажът да е ръг и тръг, но искам да попитам откъде да взема захранването за амбиентното осветление ( малките оранжеви пишки) ?



Аз ти казах, че 99% шансът е да вървят по модула и да няма никаква нужда да се захранват тия.
Хващам се на бас... за един сладолед :D


И аз мислех ,че е така, но се оказа, че не е така. Току що намерих тема :

ОK! this is a very easy interior mod in my opinion. Theres a certain performance website out there asking for £160 for this kit  I did it for around £35 and 30mins of my time 

So here's how I did it 

1) You will need

A light unit from a focus (black or beige)
16 gauge wire Red (from maplin), there's 10mtrs here but you'll only need approx 2mtrs
A small female spade connector (like you would use for audio speakers)
A small Blue scotchlock

This is the submarine lighting connection your looking for(circled):

2) Crimp you spade connector onto your red wire (excuse the rubbish crimping lol):

3) Check for a snug fit:

4) Go out to the car and carefully remove your old interior light using a large flathead screwdriver or (like me) a butter knife wrapped in kitchen towel

5) Disconnect the 3 plugs, then feed the ambient lighting feed through the gap between the roof lining and windscreen:

6) Feed the wire behind the roof lining across to the 'A' pillar and then down to the dashboard:

7) Now carefully remove your light switch unit from the dash (again using a screwdriver or knife):

8) Then disconnect it from the plug.

9) Slowly pass the wire through the gap bewteen the A pillar and the dash, I had to reach into the hole until I could feel the wire and pulled it through.

10) Next you need to look for the Orange/Blue wire (this means mainly Orange with Blue line) on the loom.

11) Use the scotchlock to connect the red wire into this:

12) Now connect the red wire onto the replacement (Focus) unit, re-connect the 3 standard connections and clip it back into the roof lining.
13) Re-connect the lighting unit to the plug and test it by clicking the sidelights on....

14) Finally, tidy up the wiring along the A pillar, re-fit the A pillar plastic and weather strip, re-fit the unit into the dash.


Еми... по-хубаво обяснение от това... ще черпя сладолед явно :D
