Мк3 tdci - обичайни кодове за грешки и причини

Започната от Alexi, 23 Септември 2011 22:26:15

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Subject/Concern: List of common concerns on the Delphi HPCR system
Model: All
Markets: All
P0251 (Fuel metering valve (IMV) control error)
* Extremely poor engine performance - glow plug warning lamp flashes.
* Engine cuts out - glow plug warning lamp flashes.
* Engine will not start.
* The fuel rail pressure demanded by the system cannot be achieved without the IMV opening
beyond the tolerance specified for that pressure.
• NOTE:The fault descriptions listed below should be worked through in order.
1. Restriction in the low-pressure fuel system, which could be caused by a blockage of a fuel line
or the fuel filter, or a damaged fuel line.
2. Air in the low-pressure system: Check using transparent hoses or remote feed the fuel injection
pump with a filtered proprietary fuel supply to eliminate the vehicle low-pressure fuel system
entirely. Leaking fuel lines or connections can cause air in fuel.
• NOTE:When using transparent hoses a small amount of air in the fuel system is normal due to a
permanent bleed hole in the fuel filter.
Recirculation of fuel will occur through the fuel filter until the temperature of the return fuel is over
40°C (hence any air in the system will re-circulate until the fuel is above 40°C and is being
returned to the fuel tank).
3. Faulty fuel injection pump, transfer pump part, or pressure control valve. Fuel injection pump
internal transfer pressure needs to be at least 6 bar to achieve high pressure chamber filling (to
generate the required fuel rail pressure). Check the following (if the engine does not start):
• Remote feed the fuel injection pump with a filtered, proprietary fuel supply.
If the engine will start when the fuel supply is pressurized or held above the fuel injection pump
intake (gravity fed), but will not start when the fuel supply is not pressurized or held below the fuel
injection pump intake then it is likely that there is a fault with the internal transfer pump (i.e. not
able to draw fuel).
4. Faulty fuel injection pump - high-pressure part or inlet metering valve (IMV):
• Carry out a guided fuel pressure test diagnosis.
(symptom "No engine start" or "Poor driveability").
CAUTION: Do not crank the engine for more than 5 seconds. The fuel injection pump will be
damaged with long or repeated cranking and no transfer pressure.
• Check the fuel pressure (with the ignition ON, engine OFF) (it should fluctuate between 4 and
10 bar maximum). If a default fuel pressure of 2000 bar is displayed then there is an electrical
fault on the fuel pressure sensor (connector, wiring etc.).
• Check the fuel pressure at the moment the engine starts (target value = 300 bar ± 50 bar).
• Check the fuel pressure at idling (target value = 250 bar ± 40 bar).
5. Injectors:
• Perform a return quantity test. If high return quantities are experienced, check a sample of fuel
from the FIP return for black metallic swarf . Go to the next step.
6. Swarf in the system:
• Despite improved materials it is possible there may be swarf in the system, without the fuel
injection pump being defective.
P1211 (Fuel pressure higher/lower than requested)
* Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) light on. Engine shut down.
* Always occurs in conjunction with P0251 (follow on fault). If P0251 is present for a predetermined
number of engine cycles then P1211 is set and the engine is shut down.
P2291 (Pressure lower than expected)
* This often arises in conjunction with P0251 and other trouble codes, but may also appear by
* Poor engine performance (glow plug warning lamp flashes).
* Engine cuts out (glow plug warning lamp flashes).
* Engine will not start.
* Fuel metering valve stuck.
* Fuel supply (see P0251 in this bulletin).
* Fuel injection pump defective (see P0251 in this bulletin).
P2288 (Pressure higher than expected)
* This trouble code often occurs in conjunction with other trouble codes.
* Engine frequently undershoots to a stop.
* Engine will not start up.
* Loose contacts (corrosion) on the wiring harness connector of the fuel
metering valve, or the connector is not pushed together properly. Check wiring harness connector
to ensure it is connected correctly and that the pins are not corroded.
* Fault with IMV wiring harness.
* Fuel metering valve stuck. Use IMV cycle test if available on this vehicle.
* Loose contact on the fuel pressure sensor wiring harness connector This tends to happen more
* If DTC P0191 is also set, check RPM signal is present during cranking. If not check crank
P0200 (Shared injector actuation malfunction)
* Engine cuts out while driving - glow plug warning lamp flashes.
* Engine judders (similar experience to misfiring) - glow plug warning lamp flashes.
* Usually faults in the ground supply or the voltage supply to the injectors.
1. Check all ground connections.
2. Often the cause is the ground connection underneath the battery (corroded attachment) (for
Mondeo 2001 (10/2001-).
P0201 / P0202 / P0203 / P0204 (Individual injector actuation malfunction)
* DTC set.
* Short circuit/open circuit on the wiring harness of the injector.
* Loose contact in the wiring harness connector of the injector.
* Faulty injector (interruption in the coil of the solenoid valve).
* Leaking wiring harness connector (diesel or water in the connector).
1. Clear fault codes and test vehicle. If fault codes return continue with the following checks.
2. Check all injector electrical connections are properly attached.
3. Check for wiring harness continuity.
P1664 (dual-module system - injector drive module (IDM) malfunction; single-module system -
powertrain control module (PCM) malfunction)
• NOTE:Ignore this trouble code if it occurs in conjunction with other trouble codes. Diagnose the
other fault codes first.
P1664 and P0251 - Ignore P1664 initially. See description of P0251 in this
P1664 and P0180 - Ignore P1664 initially. See description of P0180 in this
P1664 and P0191 - Ignore P1664 initially. Trouble code may have been provoked by the
customer, e.g. the engine was re-started too soon after engine undershooting to a stop. In this
case there would not have been enough time to dissipate the pressure quickly enough, and
P0191 would have been set. Ignore initially and delete them both.
* P1664 and P0191 re-appear after deleting.
* Long startup times.
* Repeated startup attempts because the engine will not start.
* Engine finally starts after several attempts and after the ignition has been OFF for a longer
period of time.
* Powertrain control module (PCM)/injector drive module (IDM) malfunction.
1. First delete the fault memory.
2. Check ground supply / voltage supply).
3. If P1664 is set again, initially install a new supply relay for the IDM (dualmodule)/ PCM (singlemodule)
and delete the fault memory.
4. If P1664 is set again, install a new IDM/PCM.
P1664 and P1665 - P1665 only occurs in addition to other trouble codes. Ignore initially and
delete them.
* P1664 and P1665 are still present after deleting them both.
* A problem in the ground supply (Often between the battery and the body).
Check all ground connections.
* IDM/PCM power supply and ground connection.
* CAN connection to the PCM.
* On Mondeo 2001 (10/2000-) vehicles with the dual-module system it is possible that the wiring
harness may have been damaged in the area of the pollen filter after installing a new windscreen.
P0180 (Fuel temperature sensor circuit)
* P0180 usually occurs in conjunction with several other trouble codes (particularly P1664).
Initially ignore any other trouble codes.
* Engine cuts out.
* Rough running engine.
* Irregular idling.
* Glow plug warning lamp usually flashes.
* Loose contact on the wiring harness connector of the fuel temperature sensor.
* Fuel temperature sensor defective.
1. Read off the value of the fuel temperature sensor when the engine is switched off. The value
must be realistic (e.g. it must not show -20 °C when the ambient temperature is +18 °C).
2. If the displayed value is realistic, carefully move the sensor connection - if the value jumps to
+39 °C (substitute value), then the problem lies with the connector.
3. If the displayed value is not realistic, carefully tap the sensor or perform a road test. If large
temperature jumps are observed (e.g. +150/-230 °C or - 110/+200 °C), then usually the fuel
temperature sensor is defective.
P0191 (Fuel pressure sensor malfunction) - non-electrical fault
* Engine will not start - glow plug warning lamp flashes.
* In most cases this is a software fault. In the process, the system recognizes a fuel pressure
which is implausible for the given conditions.
1. Turn the ignition key to ignition ON. At this moment, using data logger, the fuel pressure should
be below 90 bar.
2. If the fuel pressure is higher than 90 bar then this is a fault, as the pressure is dissipated after
the ignition is switched off.
P0190 (Fuel pressure sensor malfunction) - electrical fault
* Engine cuts out while driving.
* Engine will not start.
* Wiring harness connector of the fuel pressure sensor.
1. Read off the fuel pressure with the ignition ON and the engine OFF.
2. If a default value of 2000 bar is displayed, repair the wiring harness connector.
P0340 (Camshaft position (CMP) sensor)
The following possible concern may occur without a trouble code necessarily being set in the
* Engine will not start.
* Engine cuts out while driving.
* Severe misfiring. If this occurs while idling then the engine may stop as a result.
* Wiring harness to the CMP sensor (short circuit, open loop control).
* Loose contact in the wiring harness connector.
* CMP sensor defective.
* PCM fault (single-module vehicles) or IDM fault (dual-module vehicles) - exclude all other
possibilities first.
1. An oscilloscope can be used to check that the CMP signal is present on start up.
2. Check the voltage supply to the CMP sensor.
P0325 (Knock sensor fault)
It is extremely rare that the knock sensor itself is the problem, as this component is very reliable.
This may also occur without a trouble code being set.
* Extreme combustion noise (knocking).
* Knock sensor wiring harness.
* IDM/PCM connector.
P0335 (Invalid crankshaft position (CKP) signal)
• NOTE:This trouble code is set when no concordance is detected between the CKP signal and
the CMP signal.
* Engine cuts out while driving.
* Engine will not start.
* The CKP sensor wheel is damaged or loose on the flywheel.
* The CMP signal is not in order - no synchronization taking place.
* The CKP sensor and/or the CKP sensor bracket are loose.
* The CKP gap is incorrect.
* The CKP gap was set incorrectly and has damaged the sensor.
1. Check the CKP sensor wheel to make sure it is securely attached, has no bent/damaged teeth
and there is no corrosion on the teeth.
2. Check the CKP signal, look for two clearly defined triggering teeth responses within a 720°
captured event.
3. Use an oscilloscope to check whether the CMP signal is present when the engine is started. If
it is not present, refer to the description for P0340 in this bulletin.


Този форум се е прехвърлил към talkford и препратката е невалидна.


поствам едно друго материалче на тяхно място ,според мен по полезно


Да разбирам че вече сте си накупили адаптери за диагностика, така ли?


Масово по сервизите четат грешките и... И край :) На нас остава да ги мислим от какво са причинени...
Използвайте форума, вместо системата за лични съобщения.
Нека поощрим за същото, когато ни пишат на ЛС.
Така помагаме на други в бъдеще.


При мен след ремонт на дюзите и въвеждане на новите кодове ми изписва грешка P1000-OBD II cycle not completed (MONDEO 2.0 115 h.p. 2004) ясно ми е че не може да си изпълни теста,но какво трябва да направя че да не се изписва тази грешка,и не ми светва на таблото подгрева и не минава в авариен режим.Мисля си:да не би да съм въвел кодовете по грешно?
"аз съм най младия от инжинерите Харпов те ви казват да не пиете-не ги слушайте-пийте"


Ще изчезне сама като покараш и минеш през различните режими на работа.
Използвайте форума, вместо системата за лични съобщения.
Нека поощрим за същото, когато ни пишат на ЛС.
Така помагаме на други в бъдеще.


И аз така си помислих,карам така вече над 1000 км.Помислих че не може да направи теста на моторчето на турбината ама то си е в стойностите.
"аз съм най младия от инжинерите Харпов те ви казват да не пиете-не ги слушайте-пийте"


2004 турбината надали е с моторче ( ако за геометрията говориш )


да за VNT турбо говоря и колата е 115 h.p.( http://vindecoder.eu/check-vin/WF0WXXGBBW4Y76605) ??? това е  https://garrett.honeywell.com/product-search/?view=detail&id=3164 
"аз съм най младия от инжинерите Харпов те ви казват да не пиете-не ги слушайте-пийте"


Съвсем бързо търсене в нет-а и на няколко метса намерих една и съща инфорамция (написана по различен начин):
ЦитатWhat does that mean? The P1000 DTC code is a manufacturer specific code. In the case of Ford vehicles, it simply means that the OBD-II monitor testing is not complete. It is a similar meaning for Mazda, which is OBD-II drive cycle malfunction. If an OBD-II monitor does not carry out their full diagnostic check, this DTC may be set also. Symptoms Symptoms of a P1000 DTC will include MIL (Malfunction indicator lamp) illumination and that should be it. There shouldn't be any other symptoms unless you have other DTCs. Potential Causes Potential causes of a P1000 include: The battery or PCM has been disconnected (Ford,Mazda) The diagnostic trouble codes have been cleared (Ford,Mazda) An OBD monitor concern occured before completion of the drive cycle (Ford) Possible Solutions Although this may be considered a common Ford DTC, it's very minor. You in fact can safely ignore this code and it should go away as part of normal driving, you do not need to clear this code (as it may not actually turn off the MIL). If you want to the code to clear itself, faster, run through the Ford Drive Cycle. However, if you have other trouble codes, the MIL will stay on as there are other issues.
Т.е. свиркай си и карай смело, ако няма други проблеми  8)

И още: The vehicle is new from the factory. Май си я вкарал в режим магазин и сега трябва да я разработиш първо  :D


Ford Motor Company Driving Cycle

Description of OBDII Drive Cycle
The following procedure is designed to execute and complete the OBDII monitors and to clear the Ford P1000, I/M readiness code. To complete a specific monitor for repair verification, follow steps 1 through 4, then continue with the step described by the appropriate monitor found under the "OBDII Monitor Exercised" column. When the ambient air temperature is outside 4.4 to 37.8°C (40 to 100° F), or the altitude is above 2438 meters (8000 feet), the EVAP monitor will not run. If the P1000 code must be cleared in these conditions, the PCM must detect them once (twice on some applications) before the EVAP monitor can be "bypassed" and the P1000 cleared. The Evap "bypassing" procedure is described in the following drive cycle.

The OBDII Drive Cycle will be performed using a scan tool. Consult the instruction manual for each described function. NOTE: A detailed description of a Powertrain Control Module (PCM) Reset is found in this section, refer to the table of contents.

Drive Cycle Recommendations:

    Most OBDII monitors will complete more readily using a "steady foot" driving style during cruise or acceleration modes. Operating the throttle in a "smooth" fashion will minimize the time required for monitor completion.
    Fuel tank level should be between 1/2 and 3/4 fill with 3/4 fill being the most desirable.
    The Evaporative Monitor can only operate during the first 30 minutes of engine operation. When executing the procedure for this monitor, stay in part throttle mode and drive in a smooth fashion to minimize "fuel slosh".


For best results, follow each of the following steps as accurately as possible:

OBDII Monitor                     Drive Cycle                                                                                                                 Procedure Purpose of
Exercised                                                                                                                                                                Drive Cycle Procedure

Drive Cycle   1. Install scan tool. Turn key on with the engine off. Cycle key off, then on. Select appropriate            Bypasses engine soak timer.
Preparation    Vehicle  & Engine qualifier. Clear all DTC's/ Perform a PCM Reset.                                                       Resets OBDII Monitor status.
                   2. Begin to monitor the following PIDs: ECT, EVAPDC, FLI (if available) and TP MODE.   
                   Start vehicle WITHOUT returning to Key Off.   

                   3. Idle vehicle for 15 seconds. Drive at 64 Km/h (40 MPH) until ECT is at least 76.7°C (170° F).   

Prep for            4. Is IAT within 4.4 to 37.8°C (40 to 100° F)? If Not, complete the following steps but, note that          Engine warm-up and
Monitor Entry    step 14 will be required to "bypass " the Evap monitor and clear the P1000.                                      provide IAT input to the PCM.

HEGO            5. Cruise at 64 Km/h (40 MPH) for up to 4 minutes.                                                                        Executes the HEGO monitor.

EVAP                  6. Cruise at 72 to 104 Km/h (45 to 65 MPH) for 10 minutes (avoid sharp turns and hills) Note, to       Executes the EVAP Monitor
                         initiate the monitor: TP MODE should =PT, EVAPDC must be >75%, and FLI must be between 15      (If IAT is within 4.4 to 37.8°
                          and 85%                                                                                                                                        (40 to 100°F))

Catalyst           7. Drive in stop and go traffic conditions. Include five different constant cruise speeds, ranging from
                         40 to 72 Km/h (25 to 45 MPH) over  a 10 minute period.                                                             Executes the Catalyst Monitor.

EGR                   8. From a stop, accelerate to 72 Km/h (45 MPH) at 1/2 to 3/4 throttle. Repeat 3 times.                        Executes the EGR Monitor.

SEC AIR/CCM  9. Bring the vehicle to a stop. Idle with transmission in drive (neutral for M/T) for 2 minutes.              Executes the ISC portion of
(Engine)                                                                                                                                                                    the CCM.

CCM (Trans)    10. For M/T, accelerate from 0 to 80 Km/h (o to 50 MPH), continue to step 11. For A/T, from a stop     Executes the transmission
                        and in overdrive, moderately accelerate to 80 Km/h (50 MPH) and cruise for at least 15 seconds.         portion of the CCM.
                        Stop vehicle and repeat without overdrive to 64 Km/h (40 MPH) cruising for at least 30 seconds.
                        While at 64 Km/h (40 MPH) , activate overdrive and accelerate to 80 Km/h (50 MPH) and cruise for
                        at least 15 seconds. Stop for at least 20 seconds and repeat step 10 five times.                          

Misfire & Fuel  11. From a stop, accelerate to 104 Km/h (65 MPH). Decelerate at closed throttle until 64 Km/h                 Allows learning for
Monitors           (40 MPH) (no brakes). Repeat this 3 times.                                                                                            the misfire monitor.

Readiness       12. Access the ON-Board System Readiness (OBDII monitor status) function on the scan tool.              Determines if any monitor
Check               Determine whether all non-continuous monitors have completed. If not, go to step 13.                            has not completed.

Pending Code      13. With the scan tool, check for pending codes. Conduct normal repair procedures for any pending   Determines if a pending
Check and Evap    code concern. Otherwise, rerun any incomplete monitor.Note: if the EVAP monitor is not complete     code is preventing the
Monitor "Bypass"  AND IAT was out of the 4.4 to 37.8° C (40 to 100° F) temperature range in step #4, or the altitude      clearing of P1000.
Check                  is over 2438 m. (8000 ft.), the Evap "bypass" procedure must be followed.Proceed to step 14.   

Evap Monitor    14. Park vehicle for a minimum of 8 hours. Repeat steps 2 through 12. DO NOT REPEAT STEP 1.   Allow the "bypass" counter to
"Bypass"                                                                                                                                                               increment to two.

Ако някой иска, нека да го пробва  (rofl)